I am a Midwest transplant who loves her corned beef! They have really mastered it out east! I was craving a solid roast beef sandwich for a while since moving here 2 months ago and I work near Dilly's. I decided to quiet the craving and give Dilly's a try. I hate to say it but I was so disappointed. I think the photo really speaks for itself. Either the person who made the sandwich was in a hurry or they are cutting back on the ounces of corned beef portions for the sandwiches!! But corned beef sandwiches are normally supposed to tower in between slices of bread and be practically tipping over on its side! I am sad to say it was not a winning sandwich, my craving was not satisfied, and I'm back to trying to find a real corned beef sandwich! I will say, the employees there are super nice! The restaurant is very clean!