This store always makes my leg tingle and the hair on my neck rise. I love being organized and this is the go to place to get it done. Inside is always super neat and tidy. The service is very friendly and they welcome you right when you enter.
Normally get things for the kitchen, closets or sometimes the garage. Last visit I found some really cool Stainless Steel Measuring Spoons in the shape of rectangles. The older style round ones just do not fit in some of my spice jars and make a mess. Picked up some really nice Plastic Containers with snap on lids for all my dry goods. They are very strong and durable and fit perfectly in my kitchen cabinets. Nice!
You will normally see this store next to a Whole Foods Store. Rumor is that the two major influences of both companies were roommates in Austin, TX while going to UT. HA! Reminds me of my college days back in TX and all the wild and crazy parties we used to have.
I've said too much and Must CONTAIN myself now. Oh Snap!