AWESOME!! Don't Replace your AC till you check with TNA.
Tim was AWESOME!!!
*** $19.99 ** second Opinion!!
Other Large Company came out and claimed "Drawing High Amps" "Low on Freon"...Expensive temporary repairs OR change the Whole unit!
A "Deal" was offered on the Whole unit and it was still high priced.
Tim showed AMP Draw was NORMAL..NOT HIGH DRAW!
Also a leak was soon discovered under the Freon checkport. IE .. Other Guy NEVER even check Freon or he would have stated the Leak.
TNA Offers $19.99 check, Great for a 2nd Look before you commit to a full change out.They can usually fix it and R22 will be around for years Though price is going up.
Full install from TNA also $1,000.00+ cheaper than those others!!!
Whats $20 for a second opinion...That's 10 min on the Slots!!
You can always go back to The More Expensive Company if you like!
Call Them NOW!!!