Being the highest o&b restaurant, i was hoping for the best. But i think auberge lacks that bold flavor that would just make me want for more. Had the tasting menu last night, started off the smoke sturgeon, really great smoked flavor. The foie terrine. Was lovely but had to wait for the bread person to come, its too rich on its own. Delicious though. The scallop with bouillabaisse was next believe it or not the toast was the best part of the dish. Crisp brioche with 3 different elements to try with. Scallop was cooked beautifully med rare. The tomato jelly was the least favorite, just didnt like it.
Had the steak, nothing wrong here. But it was just meh. The cod that my partner ordered was very moist but the accompaniment that it had wasnt too appetizing. The dessert was the best part! The chocolate and strawberry dessert was both presented beautiful and delicious.