| - Went shopping for ar15 accessories. Lots of empty shelf space. I was told to order online. While I was there I figured I would take a peek at what guns they had for sale. All I saw was one glass case with some handguns, an a small wall rack with not much. they had half of the store given over to racks of plastic replica toy guns for sale. Garbage. I was pleasantly surprised to see they had a indoor gun range, and noticed the owner is a guy who does a radio show about gun laws, and always plugging his "free CCW class" at his gun store. I always listen to his show driving my wife to work. Anyways I go check the web site to see the details of the range, and ccw class. Free? hardly. Cant bring youre own ammo. This nice little rule forces you to pay for extremely overpriced ammo. Worthless for me!!! I like to shoot real ammo, that I carefully select for my firearms, not some crappy plastic bullets.
I have not gotten around to checking out gun ranges yet, but this one rule disqaulifies the gun store range from being a place for me to practice with my own guns and ammo, and zero in new scopes, see how different ammo performs in my guns. From reading a lot of other reviews, on here I can tell this is not the place for me. I plan on spending a lot of time at the ranges on a regular basis, and shooting a lot of ammo. But not at the gunstore range!!!