| - management shuffle takes its toll. they're displaying all their awards up the 100-foot wall, but except for the barmen (nice job guys), there is little poise and less precision in service to be found anywhere here.
probably the bustle of christmas night mahem, but this place made me feel like i was inside the mad hatter's grandfather clock, all manner of gadgets and oompa-loompa caretaker elves spinning and going haywire about me.
#host/sommelier/captain crazy witch lady (her long hair wildly flying in her wake) ran over my guest in the bar, her cocktail in hand almost spilt. all that was missing was the pointy hat and broom.
#argues with us about our preference for lime and cucumber for our water, saying it will destroy the wine. WHAT?! give us our goddam garnishes, lady!
#inserts herself randomly into our conversation, but at least now we're aware of her preferences in muppets. maybe she wanted to join us at table. WHAT?!
#staff not communicating; service team not working in unison. how many times do I have to say, "yeah, somebody already asked us that" and "no, she's having flat water. i'm having sparkling." sheesh!
maybe they're triple-teaming as part of a special christmas mayhem game?
#too-fast rim-shot- and synthesized-clap-heavy bossa acid jazz makes me feel like I'm trespassing on a miami photo shoot, not the mostly elegant vibe I wanted
#freaky jaundice-yellow-hued lighting makes the sides of my tongue twitch
#tablet-pc wacom-pen-enabled wine list confounds (yeah, guys, that was 10 years ago -- today's standard is touch-with-your-finger, five-pounds-lighter _iPad_)
despite the craziness, the kitchen mostly had their act together, and the holiday menu was well-prepared, not a last-minute casserole of the regular menu's sleepy standards (like what everyone else was doing tonight)
highlights (christmas prix fix)...
--truffled pate du fois gras. traditional (except for the wonder-bread toast points. yeah, not so much) quince jelly adds a touch of sweetness.
--scallop with with uni polenta and zesty yuzu foam. scallop not seasoned, polenta more like oatmeal. FAIL.
**--langoustine, truffled potatoes and brussel sprout leaves. WIN. embodies the "new-american" thing which is happening now. the french techniques are there, but it feels decidedly local.
*--sliced venison amidst confit of red cabbage, vanilla and fois gras apple cobbler and strawberry-infused reduction. Delectable combination of flavors, but with fork you must compose your bite carefully to capture them all.
Feels like chef-selection buffet plate, little dabs of all the kitchen's best. Luckily (or masterfully) they come together like a changing kaleidoscope
--chocolate cake with raspberries and gelato. (but the gelato had far too much cream... it was ice cream) raspberries "almost" freezer burned -- they were holding their flavor like champs despite the extreme cold. thanks, guys.