This place is creepy like hell!
Go in for physical medical and get put through the ringer, abused, threatened, kidnapped, and sent to a psych shithole who wants to bill thousands of dollars additional and blame it on you!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to the psychopaths like these in vegas!!!!
God help u and them as they will cause you and themselves serious grief. I insist as i demand justice!
They care about billing u as hard as possible and disregarding what u say unless they are going to use it against u to force medical procedures on u and or send u to a nuthouse mental health shithole full of medicated assholes and get u medicated to your financial ruin!
They get unhappy when u dont want their unbeleivably priced pills and wacko psych meds!!! I ve experienced and been billed repeatedly.
A doctor jean fremont, when i explained my conditions and that i refuse irrelevant medical tx from him-them and he sent security to jump me and strap me to a gurney and i threatened to sue them and they said they dont care (security too) because they are being sued by 20 other people. I told them to bring in the cops and they said no cops like the crooks thay are! After i played dead and was a strapped down guinea pig (this was a serious violence justifiable situation against security, attack dog, doctor) a creepy little nurse that tried to get me to take some psych meds injected me with some really powerful sedative!
They ll say whatever they are doing is justified. (Yeah they need your money)
i saw a lot of people medicated to include myself in some scary ward where they gave u dogfood while waiting to transport to a mental health facility-prison.. a nice old lady said she did not need there confinement and treatment (beware seniors)
They wish to treat whether u like it or not under force when u clearly explained what conditions u have and would like to have checked, in my case my shoulder injury documented since feb 2013 and odd heart-shoulder- psychological symptoms
Security acts tough with their angry attack dog and threaten to rip your arm off when you refuse unnesseary cat scans! After they have you tied handcuffed to gurney they inject u with god knows what to knock u out!
you are in and out of consciousness and wonder what the fuck is going on.
While in the unhappy psych ward you see a lot of people locked up and wanting to leave. They are gonna send you to a mental health place where they can medicate u and bankrupt u and get some more money like the under 200 dollars in copays doctor fremont ponted out was not paid.
I have a medicare fraud complaint against them.
i have come in a few times over a shoulder injury a sapphire club bouncer caused and the cops insisted on covering up. Care was ok previously but victims of crime didnt pay them fully yet and youve heard some of the rest.