Thrifty's ice cream! I was so excited to see that! However, disappointment quickly hit when I learned that some of the nuances of Thrifty's ice cream from childhood were ignored by this shop. They do not have cylinder scoops and their ice cream is as pricey as Baskin Robbins and Cold Stone. So the "thrifty" part of the name was kind of moot.
With that said, they did give large scoops and it tasted good. The owners were friendly. The shop was clean.
I didn't expect 35 cent scoops, but hoped for maybe $1.50. But even without that, the nostalgia of getting Thrifty's ice cream was completely lost without the cylinder scoop. Perhaps they would consider spending a little more than $8.00 for a scoop and splurge $15 on Amazon for a Cuisipro Ice Cream Scoop and Stack. Just for those of us who tell our kids about the good old days when we could get cheap ice cream that was shaped like a cylinder.