| - YELP 365 CHALLENGE 2014-(190/365) "Is The Light On?"
If that light is on, I'm always tempted to get some original glazed doughnuts hot out of the fryer since we don't have a Leonard's Malassadas on the 9th Island. This trip, no light, no go....BUT...
I needed something real quick for a little potluck contribution we were having at church, and my first choice, Ronald's wasn't open, so this was plan B. The drive thru was very quick, efficient, and I just told the lady to throw a mix of flavors together, was on my way, and was a great choice. Good service, great price, and a definite hit!
Who doesn't love doughnuts? ALOHA!!!
Shaka Meter: \uuu/ \uuu/ \uuu/ 3