Decor: very business-like: dark wood, muted colors, traditional style. Would be good for a lunch meeting. Also seems to be comfortable for an older crowd.
Food: Portions were great considering the caloric limit on their dishes. Everything was flavorful and fresh. I honestly expected to leave hungry and disappointed in a bland lunch, and that was not the case.
Service: Server was very friendly but completely overbearing. We were given way too much information each time she visited the table. As we were ordering, she commended us on our choices and talked about each element of the dish we wanted even though everything she was saying was printed on the menu. I've served in restaurants like this. That style of waiting tables is not only outdated but incredibly taxing for both the server and the guests. It is completely unnecessary and makes the server look like they are putting on a show as opposed to simply facilitating a pleasant meal.
Presentation: The food looked beautiful. I was thrown by my salad though. It was presented on a large plate inside of a clear cylinder. The food runner pulled the cylinder up while distributing the different parts of the salad over my plate. Completely ridiculous and overly showy. Total waste of money (for said cylinder) and definite wast of time. But that is just one example from our whole meal.
Overall: For a restaurant that touts seasonal ingredients and meals that won't blow your diet, they are doing well by their food. The decor is not my favorite, but that's just a personal preference. I am, however, put off my the service style. I would return, but it would certainly have to be on a day that I was overly concerned about my food intake and wanting my server to be a huge part of my dining experience.