| - $200 after a 50% off sale for a plastic pair of glasses without nosepieces! How times have changed.
I'm not trendy or fashionable, so I really had no clue what I was looking for when I walked in this store. That all changed when I found out I only had 5 choices under $110 for the frames alone (buried on the last display case facing away from the door). Nonetheless, I have a fat face. Let's be honest - most days it looks like an overgrown apple growing from my body. Apparently, there are frame shapes meant for fat faces (i.e., rectangular). I spent a good 15 minutes looking at all of the glasses and, of course, did not get a rectangular frame -- primarily because in that entire 15 minutes, not one of the ten employees in the room offered assistance or guidance or anything. I was then told to "have a seat" on an ungodly uncomfortable backless bench to be fitted by a worker. This wait was 30 minutes - and there was only 1 person in front of me. Not a happy girl here. The chick worker (very nice) was not clear about their offers, prices, lens benefits, or frame choices/differences. In fact, I felt like I was forcing her to give secret information when I asked about scratch resistance, UV ray blockage, and price, etc.
If you know what you're looking for and you memorize their website, this would be a fine store to shop, but you will not find a decent frame for under $170, and the 4 lenses on the website are apparently not available with all frames, because I only had 2 choices ($120 featherwates or $180 featherwates plus). Employees are not helpful, but there is a receipt book that they give you at the end of the purchase that tells you about frame choices (i.e., after you buy your non-rectangular frames for your fat face, they tell you not to do that). You could ask for this up-front because there's nothing but posters of pretty people with pro-youth slogans all over the store.
Would not do again.