I write this review strictly as a seller, as I never come here solely to buy, always to sell and sometimes to trade. If you trade in items, you will get 35% of the retail price in cash or 50% in trade credit, period. The young ladies who run the shop are razor sharp and know the tastes of their shoppers. The store has an interesting selection of accessories and clothing, the quality of which runs the gamut from cute cheap Chinese crap to OMG is this really $15 superior quality items. Look and look often because inventory turns over and fast. If you want a quick hit of something unique or need to offload some extra items, make a beeline for this place. It's environmentally responsible and they have a donation program for local nonprofit agencies. This is NOT a thrift store, so leave that notion at home. It's a secondhand shop that thinks like a consignment store. You pay a little more than a thrift store but you have a much greater chance of finding something fantastic in pristine condition.