| - If you are hot for Vintage you will like this place... Public Butter is a more Unique and Service Based Store compared to its siblings (Black Market Vintage Stores) and it has some pretty rare but very cool things.
This store is walking distance from my house, and gets me all fired up because they have a T-shirt screening situation going on there too!! I bought my husband a bad-ass black T-Shirt of Johnny Cash Flipping off the world for a mere $10. NICE! They also have vintage suitcases, bags, Shirts, a HUGE dress selection & bikes...Cheap Good Quality Bikes. Speaking of bikes I got there and realized I didn't have my lock on me, and the gentleman let me bring it in while I shopped, that was a nice service situation...
I also bought a tacky ass shirt, the colour of psychedelic vomit, I adore it! Also, it was $15. I also got a plus sized Corset in Black and Burgundy! I think I found my new fave store... There fitting room is a confessional... A Place you can confess your shopping sins... I bought plenty! It is tight in the fitting room to try on a dress... It is really as good as it gets! Also, Not ULTRA pricey like the Vintage store across the street! This place is classic & has LOTS of stuff! (I will take pictures next time)
A Hint: They are always cleaning up in there, I thought it was close to closing time, but it turns out the employees work...Nice! Also, one really tall guy who works there with dark hair, he gave me such nice service!!