Decent enough for chain pizza and even though it's hardly my first choice, I'm sure I'll have it again at some point when I get tired of my usual rotation and feel like throwing something new into the mix every now and then.
Generally speaking the price is right...they have a three topping, two pop and dip special that's the same price as Pizza Pizza and I prefer Gino's pizza to that of the big double P. The dipping sauce doesn't compare but obviously that's a given. Plus if you want a good walk in special, I think they have a large three topping for only $10.99, pop and dip extra. A pretty good deal but again I think it's walk-in only and I don't have the patience to wait around for twenty minutes...I don't how and why so many people do. The number of folks I see just walking in and placing their pizza orders on the spot always baffles me. Don't you own a phone or have better things to do than loiter around while your pie is made? I don't get it.
So yeah, it's about average and it's probably a two and half star place that I'll bump up because of friendly service and good prices. But I do sort of share Tasha's view that the place is, well, sort of dirty. You'd think that would bother me more but I guess my love of pizza outweighs any concerns over the cleanliness of the establishment. Yikes, what does that say about me?