I went to an event catered by Fleming's so I'm not sure how it compares to the food at the restaurant.
1) The positives - Cheesy potato goodness, a willingness for the chef to find a perfectly rare steak for me to devour,crisp green asparagus, and the cost ...zilch, yup free!
2) The only teeny-tiny negative: they seasoned their steak with Montreal steak seasoning. If this is a high-end steak place I would think they could come up with their own blend....it tasted a lot like a steak I could make at home and I can spot that stuff anywhere. Don't get me wrong it wasn't bad, but it's not something I'd expect at a fine dining establishment...a good steak doesn't need a ton of embellishment in my opinion.
If they don't use that seasoning in the restaurant I will definitely go back...but if they do I'd probably just opt for grilling out myself.