So - I've gotten take out from here a few times - but the last time deserves a post/story/review. Like so SO many - on Fat Tuesday this year I just had to get some New Orleans Take Out. Clearly one of their busiest days of the year. This year I got there and had to park behind the building next door... got inside the door and the line to order was snaking around the small was ringing off the hook and staff had no time to even answer it. Total chaos. Not really unexpected. What impressed me was the staff - at the register - putting together orders - cooking - all of them . . . clearly under pressure but professionally keeping it together and keeping their cool. Even handing out beads and smiles. About 5 minutes after I placed my order the group waiting was informed that the orders taken would be filled but they couldn't take more because they ran out of food. I don't remember this 'ever' happening before - but again not a big surprise. One lady who hadn't ordered yet was mad - but again the staff was cool. Very nice job in a very stressful situation. One lady stood by the door and gave beads to people who came and had to be turned away. Finally I got my food - and honestly, on the ride home I was sort of thinking that the taste or quality might have slid a bit on a crazy busy day like this. When I got home and ate - WOW - it was SO good. Despite the crazy situation and running out of food - everything was outstanding. Big props to the cooks and the staff and everyone there. Very nice place - great food - I won't hesitate to come back again. Even on Fat Tuesday again! YUM!