Can you say HANGRY?!! Except it was more like inner white girl needing copious amounts of carbs to soak up all the drinks we downed hours before!
My friend and I were so drunk; almost felt like this place was a mirage except when we clutched the wall, IT WAS REAL! We did the drunk girl excitement and raised our hands to the Italian Gods for creating pizza dough!
Before the waitress said anything, she knew we needed a reservoir of H2O. We finally choose to go with the Back East Buffalo Pizza & devoured it in minutes! I'm not that big fan of thin crust because sometimes it's so thin you can't put any yummy toppings on their without falling off or the crust gets burnt, but this crust was to die for (and that's not the tequila talking)! Although the prices may seem high, it's Vegas!! I rather pay more money for quality than have a free nasty meal!
A good side effect of a thin crust pizza is it's enough to soak up the alcohol, but doesn't make you feel all bloated and nasty and lethargic, so you can still get into your skank dress and not feel like a sausage!