I used to go to Donna's every now and then and have always had great tasting food. Yesterday something was off. When you walk into a bakery the only thing you should expect to smell is the baked goods. The wonderful smells of the cakes, cupcakes and pastry goods. That was not what attacked my nose. I don't know what it was but it smelled like strong perfume. It ranked up as one of the worst smells I have ever encountered in a restaurant.
Against better judgement I bought something to eat. I'm blaming the stress from work and the craving to have an Asian pastry as to why I did it.
As I bit into the pastry all I could think about was the smell and whatever that smell was on the pastry and now I'm eating it. I couldn't finish it and tossed it.
Sadly I doubt I will ever return. Which is a shame because I want to go back and get those steamed buns.