I was so happy when I went to Whole Foods today. I had gone to a local butcher for some short ribs a little earlier. And the associate helping me there started yelling at me after I asked her for an alternative to the short ribs I was trying to make. They didn't have any in stock.
Not knowing what to do in an awkward situation, I left feeling super disappointed and wanting to go somewhere with a higher quality meat selection. I was trying to make a very special birthday meal for my boyfriend and I love to cook.
I get to Whole Foods and they had the short ribs! The gentleman at the counter was so nice and helped me find what I needed. He even helped me determine how many pounds I needed to feed two. It was a night and day experience from the last place I had been. I even had someone ask if I needed help in the wine selection too!
I really appreciate the effort Whole Foods makes to make me feel comfortable and to keep fresh produce, meats and products so I have the best quality meals. It makes a difference when you're trying to make something special.