I usually love urban outfitters but the one experience I had with this staff member here gave this a two star.
This girl at the fitting room after ignoring me several times as I asked for a fitting room finally accepted my request. When she did while she scowled at me asked me how many items I had. I said "I have 6" she snatched them- (and when I mean snatch, there was nothing subtle or gentle or polite about this) out of my hands and half the bras went on the ground. She huffed and while still scowling at me- proceeded to pick them up off the ground as if that was my fault. She took some time to count them slowly 1,2,3,4,5,6.. Then she continued to take as long as possible to hag the bras up in my fitting room one by one. She wasn't even hanging them up she was just trying to balance them like carefree on the clothing rack and they kept falling off so she kept trying again. I said "it's fine" a few times but still she persisted and finally after like a whole 3 minutes of me waiting outside the fitting room while she played around she like pranced out of the fitting room and said nothing. The second time I needed the fitting room it was literally the same exact thing. Only this time I brought in a pair of panties. She took them from me like before (no subtly whatsoever) and said I'll hold this. She of course had to hold it because they don't like to have accessories in fitting rooms because they could get stolen or whatever but when I came out and asked for it she looked at me blankly like she didn't understand and continued to do her clothes sorting. At this point I was so done with her shoot I walked out with nothing.
Needless to say id never go back.