I had my LASIK consultation today. I waited in the waiting room for about 30 minutes prior to being taken back by the "Director of the Center". She took me in a room and did a quick "test" on my eyes and then brought me to another room, sat me down and asked if I had any questions about the procedure. I said I had numerous questions, but would prefer to speak to the surgeon (No need asking them twice, since I really only cared about what the surgeon had to say). She said asking her my questions/concerns was "one in the same". I think not. That was the first red flag. The second one came after she said I would not be meeting the surgeon at all prior to the day of surgery. Who in their right mind agrees to an elective surgery without meeting the surgeon prior to the day of surgery? I have never heard of such a thing! I'm assuming after you pay in full you are then allowed to meet the surgeon. The third and final red flag came after she said she would schedule me an appointment with the surgeon at another time and then revoked that offer, saying "We just don't do that here." I got up and left. This place is obviously a LASIK factory mill and I'm not willing to put my eyes at risk to save a few bucks. Beware.