Rude as hell! When I got to the front of the line, this white male around 40-50 w/ glasses motioned me over. I started out trying to be nice, smiled & told him I lost my mail keys. He gave me attitude & said I had to fill out this form. When I accidentally signed on the wrong line (I was so tired that day, only got 2 hrs. of sleep), the guy raised his voice at me & said,"what are you doing?! Did I tell you to sign there?! You're suppose to sign here."& he vehemently pointed his finger at where I was suppose to sign. This guy was very short tempered, no smile & talked to me in a very condescending way. What a dick! No customer service skills whatsoever! I had to come back here a couple of other times for other reasons & each time I went, it wasn't pleasant.
The only good thing I can say about this post office is at least there's someone who helps direct you to the right line before you go on waiting on the wrong line.