Crooks. Scum. Maggots.
These are a few words that come to mind. I bought a 2006 Chevy Silverado from them 2 years ago. I was desperate at the time and couldn't afford to negotiate. They gladly lined me up with a truck that was almost 10 years old at 17.5% interest. After 2 years of trying to pay this off at $605/month I still owe $20,000 on a ten year old truck. These guys knew what they were doing. I was dumb at the time for being so desperate and willing to take a truck at any cost. DON'T BE DUMB WHEN YOU COME HERE! THEY WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. THEY CAN SMELL A SUCKER FROM A MILE AWAY AND THEY'LL BLEED THE LIFE OUT OF YOU TO MAKE A BUCK!
I've tried refinancing and no one will touch the loan because the truck is so old. Now I'm locked into paying off a truck that red-necks from Avon sold me and I have no options. If you want to see maggots go to the zoo...not Joe Firment!