Took my daughter her, the older ladt priced us for the reg hair cut instead of Jr price (I didn't argue cause its not that big of a difference but they said cause she was 12 and almost 13 it would be reg price). I had to tell the last twice to put more layers in her hair and cut her bangs shorter (don't know her name but she was a vlinde younger lady), she was quick when she cut it, she didn't even get her hair wet when she cut it, said its better to cut it dry (her hair wasn't even straight cause she had a pony tail in it all day) and she also wouldn't stop talking about how I need to do this for her hair if she colors it and how with blonde hair this and blonde hair that, she was just annoying. There was another client waiting and talking to me and by the time I turned around she had my daughter already up at the register .... She took way too much off the bottom when my daughter told her not to, couldn't even tell she cut her bangs into side swipe bangs. Not nearly enough layers Guess anyone can work there!