A few words on PCL:
You are GOING to get your drink spilled on you.
You are GOING to overpay for your drinks.
You are GOING to get groped by random dudes on the dance floor.
You are GOING to wait in line for the bathroom and while you do, you will more than likely see a girlfight outside of it and watch two lunatic girls get hauled out of the bar, one with a broken nose and one with a bloody face. Or maybe that was the same girl. Swear to you I saw this exact scene at this exact bathroom line twice in a row.
If the girl fight isnt enough to make you want to brave the scene (or the line outside) at PCL, you should know a few other things:
People watching is top of the line here. Everyone seems to be black-out drunk and on top of each other by midnight. 8 girls are trying to pile on the swing and 2 others are trying their luck on the pole, coming inches from splitting their heads open on the floor below. Wait for it..... One day. Fingers crossed.
The guy that groped you is more than likely pretty damn hot. And if youre black out drunk, even if hes not, he will sure look hot to you!
If you can bring a big enough group, do the VIP thing and keep pretty well lubed up with booze, you wont mind your new vodka soda infused Sevens or the fact that Chachi just grabbed your boob. Again.