I got a good strong cup of cappuccino here. They are known for their Nutella Latte ($5.25), but I just felt like having a cappuccino ($3.50).
They do varietal brews here on their steampunk machine. There were flavor notes for all the coffees so I asked about the flavor notes iced coffee, which I was going to take for the road after I finished my cappuccino. Unfortunately the cashier and the barista said they couldn't tell me anything about the iced coffee other than they pour it out of a bottle. I wish I could say I was making that up, but they explained that their headquarters just had them switch the process a day ago. Before they used to make the iced coffee there, but now it's bottled at their central processing and shipped to the stores to sell as cold brew. Understandable, but still, if it was my store, I would have had all of my staff taste it before we put it out so that they knew what the product was... especially since it didn't require them any work to prepare it.
They also carry eight hot teas and four different iced teas and they can do tea via the steampunk method.
The store is new inside with curves that curve back into another small back room and then curves again to the restrooms.
Okay, looking at the menu again, how did I miss seeing the Nutella Cappuccino ($3.75)? FAIL HOWIE. FAIL.