| - Walked in July 3 for diiner, asked if we were going to order off the menu or from the buffet. Decided on the buffet, and was told that we would have to pay before being seated. Was told the buffet was $40 dollars for two people. Gave the front desk a $100 bill.
Tamba Cashier: Do you have anything smaller?
Me: No, I don't. (I wanted to get the change)
TC: We can't break this bill.
Me: So, how will I get my change back?
TC: Well, we don't have anything else, because everybody else has been paying with $100 bills.
At this point, I was going to argue with the cashier, talk to the manager, or suggest that they go to one of the other restaurants nearby to break a few hundreds to manageable change for their register, but my date pulled out her wallet and paid the bill.
During the meal, asked for a Coke and a lassi, which added another $5.39 to the total bill. Turns out that drinks aren't included in a $20/person buffet. What? (But water is free, so don't think you can't get a bargain out of Las Vegas.) If the Coke is coming out from a fountain station, is it normal to ask the diner, "Do you want ice in that?"
Leaving the restaurant, had the bill for the drinks with me and $6 ready to pay.
Me: Hey, we also got drinks. I'd like to pay up. (Hands the bill and money over.)
TC: Sir, we don't have any change available and can't give you your $.61 back ... (while holding $1 to give back to me)
Me: You know what, just keep it. Peace out.
The food review: We wish that there were tags describing what we were eating. Wanting to try something new, we had passed by Tamba before while walking the Strip, just because we didn't know it was at the Hawaiian Marketplace. Her being vegetarian, Indian food was a good choice since meat isn't so prevalent in the diet. She says that the food was spicier than what she was prepared for, but there was a nice variety. As someone who will eat everything, it was a pleasant meal and flavorful.
I understand the need to economize during this economy, but plastic plates for the buffet and plastic cups for water? And the containers for sauces are little styrofoam bowls? What an ecological disaster. For the Coke and lassi, we were given glass tumblers, which was good, I guess.
My final assessment is that the food was good, but the experience was bad bad bad.