Wow, I totally disagree with the previous post. Mr. Zvenia handled a case for a family member and a friend of mine. He couldn't have been more professional and up front. Of course there is always going to be someone who is not pleased with an outcome, that's a given, but in my opinion Ben Zvenia is more than versed on the law at many levels and his ability to provide the best for his clients is outstanding. I personally witnessed Mr. Zvenia go above and beyond to help my family member and friend. It was not easy and did take some time, but in their cases it did work to their benefit. Lets face it, the internet is a breeding ground for thoughtless and negative comments and it is easy to do because it is not face to face. One should think before they post because it will never go away. I chose to post my comments because they are factually true and can be proven with physical evidence. I know two families that are extremely pleased with Mr. Zvenia personally, professionally and ethically.