I rarely make the trip through the construction riddened Camelback Road and congested Central Avenue; but when I do make the trip, it's worth it!
Although the entrance of this place is on the opposite side of the bakery, my nose always finds it first! i don't know if it's the oh so purdy danishes and treats or the if it's the smell of all these things baking!! hmmmmmmmmmm...
either way, I can't leave without a cream puff the size of my fist! I always look at the deli but nothing has ever jumped out at me. I LOVE the cheese section! i want to sample and buy everything!! I've had caught myself daydreaming on how I could possibly steal one of the large wheels of REAL parmesano. The wheels are still turning on that one! But alas, I haven't the balls to pull of that great caper.
But I do have the balls to talk a little shop with the butchers who are always helpful and pretty funny once you repeat that one joke from the Chris Farley classic Black Sheep. I am always tempted to ditch the puff for a well marbled ribeye steak. However, my limited funds usually keeps me faithful to my sweet cream puff!
Onwards I go to the Italian "shoppe" that doesn't really speak to me. I've had it and I totally didn't write home about it. But the produce!! oh my gosh!!
My head whirls and spins about all the possiblities when I browse through the produce section. The organics that will spoil the second I bring it home... the tried and true pure produce that is bright and fragrant and in a good way! unlike some of the stuff that can be found in the more run down Food Citys in this town.
I really like being inspired by food to make even better food. And quality really plays a huge role in inspirational food. So go, and press your nose up on the bakery's glass display case showcasing it's decident sweet goods and dont' shoplift any cheese! Talk shop with the butchers and be inspired by all the products in the store. Even chat up an employee or two, inspiration loves company! Have fun, take your time and don't forget you wallet!!