| - Worst experience ever. I'm a first time mother and of course I went there because my OBGYN was located next to it. When I went into Triage and was admitted, my doctor was OFF. How does he get a day off when I go into labor. I was under the care of Dr. Goodhead. There was NOTHING good about this woman. I only saw her twice and she had NO bedside manner. She REFUSED the epidural even though I had 4 bags of Pitocin in me and was having contraction after contraction. 16 hours went by and I pleaded with the nurse for something, anything. She advised that the doctor said, "NO." Not until I was at least 6cm. I get it, but I couldn't relax. I was in too much pain. My cervix was not opening for anything. One nurse was my savior. She retrieved the anestesiologist to give me the epidural. About 2 hours later (I fell asleep) I went from a 3cm to an 8cm. Wonderful, right? NOPE! The doctor and a few nurses woke me from a dead sleep and said my baby was in distress and they were rushing me to get a C-Section. As they are rolling me out, Dr. Goodhead THREW scrubs at my son's father and said, "If you want to be with her, hurry up." WOW. As I said, I am a first time mom at the time, so I was super nervous about everything. I NEVER wanted a C-Section. I was forced to have one. In the OR, I was quivering and asked the anesthesiologist if i was going to feel anything. He replied, "I hope not." Really? No comfort whatsoever. Then the doctor instructed my sons father to sit in the corner. He couldn't even hold my hand.
I gave birth at 4:19am. My regular doctor would've been at the hospital at 8am. My opinion is that Dr. Goodhead wanted to perform a surgery for extra money as quickly as possible because if she had waited, I would be in the care of my ACTUAL doctor.
After the surgery, Dr. Goodhead marked on my chart that she was refusing the wrap for my stomach. I asked the nurse, "why?" She didn't know.
I feel like my FIRST time should've been a great experience, but thanks to that Dr. and her team of nurses they ruined that feeling.