This credit Union was highly recommended by several people. The local branch office is staffed with friendly people trying to be helpful but if there is a problem they can not solve it for me. The telephone center is not helpful. 50% of the time I am wasting my time calling them because they either can't or won't help. One time the credit union paid the wrong party via automatic payment and they tried to convince me that I made the mistake. I was not even aware of that company and previous payments were made to the correct party and I did not change a thing.This caused problems for me and If I had made the mistake I am convinced they would have charged me. I also do not think it is right that they charged me an overdraft fee of $32.00 and an additional $5.00 overdraft when they transferred money from my (admittedly minimal) savings. Yes, I made the mistake of thinking that a pending deposit was going to be in my account but $37.00 dollars is worse than what banks charge. I am seriously thinking of going back to using a bank except that it is such a hassle to make that change.