| - I'm at odds with this mall. I want to like it, and then I want to say it's just a guilty pleasure.
This is the lively mall to go to. Always packed, always busy, and everyone in Pittsburgh seems to think that this is the mall you must go to to be seen when out shopping. Evidence of this is that the parking lot is so full sometimes that cars are parked along the sidewalk.
There are plenty of stores to choose from ranging in price for everyone, college kids to the well to do family on the block. Although you can notice a shift in stores in here. As the newer, high-end stores moved in it pushed the local mall staples to the outer wings in the mall. You can still find them, but you'll just have to walk a little more. Food court is decent and one of the better ones for malls in the area. The out parcel stores here are definitely one of the kind for the area. Cannot find them anywhere else in the metro Pittsburgh area.
Maybe it's me, but as I get older, going to the mall isn't as fun as it used to be. I must be one of those folks that walk into a mall with one purpose on my mind, go right for that store and then make my way right back out of the mall. There are the rare occurrences where I kind of want to just wonder around the mall. Here, that's close to impossible with all the people at kiosks that want 'just a minute of your time.' That can turn into an annoyance. Simon, I'm glad you put a lot into this mall, but you still could have put that effort into another mall you no longer own on the other side of the city.