I came here with a group of omnivores. When we arrived, I politely asked what their options were for vegans. The hostess rolled her eyes & said "honey, I don't know what you people eat. You are going to have to look yourself" Ooooookaaaaay...
So look I did. This is what I could eat for $45 (think it is less for smaller groups, but they add gratuity for 6+)
- fruit
- hummus
- guacamole
- a sad kale salad with RAISINS (grody)
- a veggie sushi roll
Even their vegetable dishes were cooked with chicken stock & they were not sure if the breads had egg or dairy
Even if I had more options... The dishes did not look very fresh in general...
So I walked to the Wynn buffet & had a great, fresh vegan-friendly buffet for $30!