Saw Lola yesterday. Told her all my symptoms of conjunctivitis (pink eye) and that I'm pregnant. She didn't know what she could or couldn't give a pregnant woman and she left the room- never to return. Nurse comes and says "all done" and hands me an illegible prescription. I told her "she never came back to tell me what's up". Nurse laughs a little and says "you have something going on with you're eye". Well no kidding!! "she never returned to tell me a diagnosis (viral or bacterial), never told me what she decided to prescribe and why, never told me how to treat it, what to expect or what she thought the cause was".
So yea. After more of my own research, it appears I was misdiagnosed with bacterial infection since she gave me antibiotics (the goo is clear, I've had a cold and I have a cold sore on my face- all indications that it's a viral thing). Anyway. The service is sub par- got more info from the pharmacist at CVS than I did from Lola and now I'm 85% sure I'm putting antibiotic gel in my eye, likely worsening my condition. Won't be back.