I would have rated this place 4 stars but they put MSG in their food which is no bueno. Having said that, the Pho was outstanding and the Spring Rolls were so delicious! The service was super attentive and they were so friendly and nice to us!
We got through about 5 minutes of our Pho when my girlfriend was like, "this has MSG in it and I'm allergic to it." So we stopped eating it. The owner was super nice and he promised that if we called in advance he'd make us a broth without MSG in it, super cool.
If you're reading this Pho Van, my recommendation is that you make your pot of broth without MSG and add it to every bowl individually rather than to the whole pot. You'll probably save money in the long run...
I'll be back, call in advance and see. I would happily bring this up to 4 stars!
For those of you unfamiliar with the effects of MSG on the body google it.