I knew I shouldn't have come here after having a early morning flight from Dulles Airport but I was convinced by my sister that it was a must have even if I was dead tired, sleepy and knowing i had to go out in the next few hours AND just got my french manicure. We arrived by taxi which was no problem and got seated immediately. I looked at all of the bibs and thought that this surely would make me pass out with no problem. I did the best I could, I told our waiter that I needed cokes and any drink with caffeine. I decided NOT to order the crawfish and went ahead and ordered the shrimp. My sister went ahead and got the crawfish daggonit and a side of fries.
It all started really good, I felt alive, I doubled up on my gloves and I felt like I could get past this 'tiredness' like I used to in college just push on through it. I even got a crawfish from our 1 pound bag and thought - this is no big deal. Handful of fries - gone. Broke off the heads of the shrimp (yes, they have the heads on) and threw them back in the bag and kept eating. I then came up for air and then it hit - that coma, that feeling that takes over you as you realize you might have had a little too much and not only that you're 3 hours behind your NORMAL time. Then i gave up. To make matters even worse we walked outside and got punched in the face due to the heat. We had a great time there and the service and food was great.
Just a note to those who did NOT rent a car and taxi their way through Vegas -- Taxi's are NOT frequent here so call ahead about 30 minutes before you leave.
4 Stars.