| - I have lived in Charlotte for 21 years and am very frugal when it comes to furnishings, so I USED to love going to the consignment shop (used to be Consignment I know why he has lost his franchise with them....but I digress) in Pineville. Courteous personel, always willing to pick up or deliver items. Always willing to negotiate on price and make a fair deal.......NOT ANYMORE! I went in one day, inquried about 4 parsons chairs and was told their was a price for all 4. No other tag on any of the 4 chairs. I paid for them, told them I could get 2 home in my car that day and then I would come back for the other 2! When I returned the next day, the owner said, oh, my employee was wrong, you can't take the other 2 or you will have to pay for them. I regretted to inform him, that good customer service would intail standing behind his employees and eat the cost and that would be his cost of doing business. If he would have done so, I would have returned and purchased again, many times over, even if it was a different name on the door. Since he did not do so, did not hold up their end of the bargain, I will NEVER return AND you all get to know about it!