I was a patient of Dr. Pfeiffer's from 1990 until his retirement since MS symptoms first began. Then tolerated the replacement scrub team with rotating players. It is obvious that the original associates were great doctors but when they had all retired, the end was in near sight. As a patient of nearly thirty years, I happened to have a 4:00pm appt. on a Thursday and was told as I left that the next day they would no longer be able to provide treatment. See ya. And that was it. Thus, all of these poor reviews reflect the reason that the original associates decided to dissolve the practice. I was later told from a long term insider that they were never able to contract with capable specialists. Just like the revolving door nurse prac.s they began using. Sadly (or fortunately) we all outlived or trusted neurologists careers. At one time a five star medical group. As the scrubs moved in one star was a reach.