| - We where looking for tickets to a show maybe a little to late on a Saturday, and all that was available was The Phantom. That was ok though, gf loves this show and I have never seen it in person. So the box office had some nice tickets and a military discount available.
The show started with the great unfurling of the chandelier and the iconic score. And here was my first problem with the play. They 'modernized' only the phantom song, and by 'modernized' I actually mean they Mannheim Steamroller'ed it. I hate Mannheim Steamroller, its everything cliched and massed produced about Christmas. Dont know who they are? Remember that Youtube vid with the house and flashing lights set to music? Now you remember Mannheim. No other piece of music was changed, just the most memorable one.
The side curtains drop away around the audience to reveal staged opera boxes with mannequins inside. Box number 5 remains empty for The Phantom, and one other for characters. However I found myself constantly checking the boxes, falsely thinking they would take the opportunity to insert the Phantom in one as his eyes are everywhere in the Opera House. But no, it turned out that I was playing a version Wheres Waldo in which Waldo slept in and never showed up.
To be fair with this review I didnt realize this was a abridged version of the story until I was reminded the performance was only 95 minutes. That being said its painfully obvious and huge sections of the story are eviscerated from the play. The end result is that instead of feeling empathy for the tortured and lonely phantom, you really think he is just a crazy SOB. Raoul comes across as a earnest, and caring instead of pompous. The Masquerade scene was also disappointing only because of the small size of the crew. You expect that seen to be huge, extravagant and filled with faces. Instead there is only about a dozen people, and the rest are dressed mannequins which are shuffled about the stage.
In the end, get your tickets earlier for something else.