Never had a problem working out here. I've only been going for the past two months I guess after they changed over to EOS but I have no complaints as I am new to going to the gym in general and have only been to two other gyms in the past and this one is much better. I feel like a lot of people who complain are griping about the old gym vs the new but because I have fresh eyes I see nothing wrong. Kind of crowded like all gyms of this price range and if you come at rush hour (obvs). I guess it's cool how they have a basketball court and pool and that they offer a membership that allows you to bring a guest in every time. I come in with my sister usually early mornings weekdays and occasionally on the weekends if we been slacking. If the machines are full we alternate between two others within the same muscle group or do calisthenics. Nice variety of machines. The weights are usually racked or not far off to find and the equipment never looks dirty because members use their towels usually, other than the ropes of course. Nick from the body combat class is an awesome instructor and I have no complaints about the floor in there (why do people even complain about that unless they're eating off of it? It's a gym! Mats are provided!) and everything is sanitized and equipment not down longer than a few weeks for the machines, unsure about treadmills down time. Never used the locker rooms, sauna, or the viewing room. I get in and get out and bring my own music. Bathrooms are fine. I love that they even have a daycare, great for parents working out! I once saw a counter person kicking out a group of young thugs who tried to get in probably with one of the parent's membership cards to play basketball but were all minors. Thank goodness. Overall, I'd pay for a membership. Maybe once I get mine I'll get all nitpicky about stuff but no bad experiences so far, pretty chill, except a very snappy girl at the front the last time who not-so-kindly reminded me to sign in ALL SPACES on the guest sign in sheet and demanded my ID. Pretty sure she's gone by now though as I hardly see the same people whenever I come.