| - I not only prefer quality over quantity, I prefer potency over quantity as well - in the sense that if I order a caffeinated beverage I better get such an energy boost that I can, at the minimum, get through a work day, or, at the maximum, vibrate through time. At Dutch Bros., the size of the drink doesn't really control the size of the drink that much, but how potent it is. Sizes do have some effect on the actual size, but after a point (medium and up), it basically means how many shots of espresso they put in it. As a typical person who needs a strong amount of caffeine for it to even affect me, this is great. Plus, the prices are pretty decent.
However, the best thing of the place has to be the employees. They are extreme, excited, and enabling (I can't say I know anywhere else that will give you 12 shots of espresso in one go). Some of them will look you in the eye and shout "YOU! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!" with gusto as you are handed your coffee. I practically get as much energy from their personalities as I do from the coffee itself.
Anyway, I highly recommend this place if you want a good coffee for a good price. This obviously isn't going to be super-high quality stuff, but I enjoy it a lot.