Wow.Alternative to the mallwalk anyone?
This place has the makings of a time capsule for all generations.
They have mostly other people's old crap,but you know what they say.
Someone else's old crap may be someone else's foshizzle.
You do have to know your prices on old crap,because some sellers think their old crap has been shit out from the golden goose when that simply is not the case.
Having said that,you could easily find some old crap of someone else's that you want to take home as new to you foshizzle.
The staff is helpful,warm,friendly.We hit the "show me this crap" button a few times,and an attendant seemed to appear out of nowhere to assist,each time happily chatting away with us.The staff seems to enjoy working there.
So my friend who brought me there went home scoring a huge black glossy swan planter with a hideous from the 80's dusty black and white flower derangement.
Yeah,it sat on my lap on the ride home.I felt as if I absconded with a centerpience from an episode of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.
The day was full of foshizzle.