So here I was in Vegas and I forgot to bring my Philosophy Microdelivery Wash. I had injured myself the week before doing something I shouldn't have been doing and was using a mobility scooter. I seemes like a hassle but I went there worried that the scooter would have problems getting around the store.
First of all, let me tell you that the Forum Shops is HUGE. I had no idea where I was going so I enterd through the front entrance of Ceasar's. Everyone was courteous and helpful pointing me in the right direction but as I was rolling along on the scooter I was thinking how long a trek this would have been on foot. Maybe a mile and a half total and then you'll have to walk up a winding incline. They really want to entice you to gamble along the way but I just wanted to get in, get out.
I finally found the place and naturally it looks like just about every other Sephora you would go to. With fear and trembling I rolled in and found I could maneuver around pretty well with the scooter. Anyplace I couldn't go there was a nice sales person there to help me. I got only samples of the Microdelivery wash but browsed around and bought some other stuff too. I would definitley go again but I will have to research another entrance or rent another scooter.