| - Celebrating a friend's birthday, we're dressed in 80s gear to party it up at Polly Esther's on a Saturday night. And the fab thing about this place, you can wear sneaks! Nice!
With no line at all, I was skeptical thinking no one would be inside. You pay by the window (try to get discount tickets or free passes if possible) and then you head down a few stairs. First thing you see is the old Volkswagen and then the Brady Bunch squares.
Bathrooms are to the left with communal sinks for both men and women. Quite a few stalls and there was hardly a line for them when I was in there.
Walking down the spacious hallway, you'll find this huge space with four rooms celebrating the 70s, 80s, 90s, and current hits. Each room has its own bar with its own VIP sections roped off. They do a pretty good job keeping the music confined to its own respective room. So, if you get bored of one room, hop on over to another. And there's barely a line at the bar too. (If you're in the 80s room and you get The Matrix, it's a two shot drink. They make it so big though that it feels like a four shot drink. It only costs 8 bucks and it tastes like shit. But it'll definitely put you over right quick.) Other drinks are pretty damn expensive though.
We mostly hung out in the 80s and current hits room. They also had Skip Martin, the lead singer of Kool & the Gang, performing near the 80s section.
Overall, Polly Esther's at The Stratosphere is a pretty cool place. It's not uptight like some of the other clubs down the strip and it's kickback casual for people like me who hate dancing in heels. Lines are non-existent for getting in, buying drinks, or using the restrooms. So, that always scores a point with me.