OK most of the reviews sofar are generally correct.
The pizza here is actually pretty good, overloaded with toppings, and thincrust style. GO up to the counter and serve yourself, neighborhood pub feeling, etc. All this is accurate.
The thing everybody forgot to mention, is that this place is WAY OVER PRICED!! Like I mean to the point of being obscene! If I go there for a jug of your AGD and want a bite in my head Im thinking I gotta leave to go eat somewhere when Im IN a place that serves food!! Hahah!
Pizza Bob, please do something to lower your costs on stuff so you can lower your food prices man (pizza especially!!). If you ever want to get the odd NEW customer who also comes back and stop the ship from sinking, you gotta do it ok? Also, PLEASE cancel the Karaoke good grief it sucked in 1994 so by now its a dead dead dead horse as a form of entertainment, seriously. And if you hire a band, please overlook the Bill Dowey over rated generic stuff.
And bring your own wine with no corkage fee? Huh? IS this your hangout joint or a business!! LMAO!!