I started going to this hair salon and thought I had found the best thing ever! I went two times and the hair stylist did a fantastic job on my hair.... so even though a basic haircut was $90 plus tax and tip... and even though I had to sit through an 'assistant' washing my hair (and yanking on it without the understanding it seemed of what running your hands thru wet unconditioned long hair feels like!!) and at the same time trying the hard sell on every product I need as my hair was in 'such a bad condition'... I still continued to go as I thought the fantastic hair cut was worth it!!! That all came to a quick conclusion when I went in the last time, my hair stylist was running behind and so had this great assistant after he was done with the hair washing to then blow dry my hair for 30 minutes (or we could call it just wasting time as nobody's hair takes 30 minutes to dry !!) and then the actual stylist swooped in, cut and styled my hair in well under 15 minutes, and rushed me on my way so that she would be back on time for her next appointment!! Again, I could have overlooked this... if it didn't turn out that I paid $90 plus tax plus tip to spend 45 minutes with an assistant and then walk out the door with a haircut I hated!!! Did not and would not ever go back.