Idk if it's just this location or any but their customer service has been awful to me when I went in yesterday and had a question about the makeup revolution lip kits. They weren't listening to what I was asking and kept on saying the same thing over and over again. They finally admitted they never tried it. Wtf? At least try on every brand in the store and be more helpful when answering questions about products. I lost my patience and told them they weren't listening to me and I decided to answer it for myself, since I'm able to return it if it hasn't reformulated. I'm glad to say it has, but seriously, these employees need to take the initiative upon themselves to try products and offer their opinions instead of staring at me blankly looking stupid. Also I'm tired of playing hide and go seek games with them when I need help with something. At least sephora trains their employees on greeting and asking if we needed help or had any questions, and they're more friendly. Get your poop in a group, ulta!