I've had one of my best dining experiences here!! I went with some friends one night and we had a grand old time! We laughed and had the cutest waiter EVER! The food was awesome! but the skinny minies I had with me couldn't finish their food! Ugh, nothing is more of a turn off than to see a girl who weighs 80 pounds soaking wet swearing she can't have another bite!
Anyway I digress!
I went another night another friend of mine. Him and I had an awesome time! We arrived and a table opened up quickly. We sat and were served well. Our waiter was very attentative, my friend thinks he hit on him though... but we always fight about which server is hitting on who! lol!
I ordered a SMALL cesar salad because my friend ordered a small soup. And they brought out this HUGE platter of salad! and the cesar dressing was so strong I couldn't eat it! I tried!! Really I did! it was like... stinging me! ouch! :'(
But I did order the chinese beef dish and that was INCREDIBLE! He ordered... hmmmm... I don't rememeber... but it must have been good he didn't complain. lol. We laughed and joked and talked and ate. We had too much fun. By the end of our meal he orded an pineapple upside down cheesecake! oh it was DEVINE!!!! I have never, EVER had a more better cheesecake ever! I will absolutely come back!
Our experience was amazing. simply amazing.