Soo disappointed!! Outback used to be one of my favorite restaurants to go to. I had not been in at least a year and so I decided to go. I was disappointed beyond belief. How could a chain restaurant that I have been to countless times gone so down hill?? I think I found the reason: cost.
1. They cut waaaaayy back on portion size. I used to get enough food in a dinner portion to feed me and have leftovers or split with someone else. Now, they have these weird shaped plates that are kind of rectangular with an angle to them -probably to disguise that they are SMALLER PLATES! So you definitely get a much smaller portion when you come here. When I saw my plate I said, wait a minute, is this off of the lunch menu???
2. They may have majorly decreased portion size but they did not decrease the prices on the menus.. Which is quite frustrating.
3. The food quality- I had the Alice Springs Chicken here. It was BAD!! And I really do mean that. I actually cooked a copycat recipe of this a while back and it was so much better than the one I had here (and I am definitely not a good cook!!!). The chicken seriously it was completely bland. I had to douse it in the honey mustard sauce that it came with to hide the plain chicken. What was even worse, I've NEVER HAD BACON THAT TASTED THIS BAD!! The flavor of the bacon was so wrong. I don't know if it was the fact that it was overcooked or just bad quality bacon but it really tasted gross. Oh, as for the mushrooms that are supposed to be on here, I got a whole 2 slices for my whole piece of chicken!! Come on!! Soo cheap of them!!