I know funny and this ain't it! The worst "comedy show" I have seen since Louie Anderson (see review). Wow, we would have gotten up and left but were stuck in the middle of a row 15 chairs deep on each side, ugh. The seating is horrible, uncomfortable chairs crammed together in rows so that you are on top of each other and stuck once seated. This one woman that crossed over us twice obviously had a bladder problem or was bored out of her mind as well!
Don't get drinks unless you just won a jackpot and could care less that a drink will run you $15-25.
The comic line up does vary by week. Pretty much whoever will take the gig at that moment in time, mostly comics who don't work very often. On my night was a bunch of no names that I had never heard of. This night the theme was fat jokes.
Don't waste your time or money.